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Wednesday 15 June 2011

naturally supernatural!!!!!!

strikes back the insomaniac again!!!ah..i am almost contemplating to change my blogs name from 'the shimmering beans" to the "midnight escapedes of a nocturnal mudblood" :P so long soo boring..yeah yeah i know!!!anyway...there's some reason behin such a long comeback(everything has a reason behind it its you only who says this..isnt it?;)).my summer break has begun..actualy its almost a month...!!am in the city of dreams as we call mumbai in india!!This two whole weeks here with my two of my friends was an adventure in itself...i will soon be posting about my "travel diaries" very soon!!!you will find it hilarious and so unusual...-_- as everything is always about me..nothing right..nothing perfect!!! aargh!!:X
hmm..but today its just something else..i was getting so nostaligic about my "shimmering beans". I have been noticing several phsycotical changes in me.!my diturbing degree of inclination towards the supernatural things has certainly taken a toll on me..:P i think so atleast.!!!underneath every innocent thing,person,incident i seek some deeper hidden meaning!only yeterday....i saw this old haggard woman screaming and chiding some unseen creature..!!!!!probably it must be some demon or malignant spirit which has embarked itself upon her..or perhaps something more malice!!0_O now thats what i think,,,thats what i have derived oyt of it on my sister and other normal people around me have a sound reason for her..they say she is mentally ill..get it in your juxtaposed mind niharika mishra.aargh.mentally foot..i am very sure its something else.!! is the lunar eclipse..the biggest in the century.its believed in india that during this period all the evil powers are at their peakest of peak!!!its what we call " a black night" when we are not supposed to eat anything till the time its over.preggers are ept away as much as possible from bein exposed to the eclipse.its a mayhem at santoriums around the world..!yeah..its a period of evil and malice..dead and bad!!!=__+ no wonder the pitch dead blackness of the night unusual!and the sudden cold wind blowing outside..thats even rattling the windows of the apartment!!!!am sure they are around and everywhere!!BEWARE!!!!!!muhahahaha!!!!!+_+