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Sunday 15 May 2011

the story of a long lost liitle diary :) :)

Though i hate cleaning up my room as much as i hate the bittergourd veggie my mom forces down me for dinner(just like she forces me into this clean-up thing much to my annoyment >| ) but surprisingly this time it did something good to me..something that made me proud and happy over myself that i obliged into doing it..unwillingly it was however!!

Dragging along the room,picking up things inanimetdly and putting them in places where they OUGHT to be but wer'nt..the monotony of which was begining to take over me and slumber was just going to hit me,when i noticed this dusty square thing lying abandoned and forgotten(since i dont know when) in the far off corner of my was weighed don by several of my old clothes..books and stuffs(wait did i forgot to say a pair of old torn sneakers too :O)..!pulling it out..i immediately recaptured what it was..!! a surge of old memories..rushed through me and with that old dusty leather bound almanac i sat on the floor admist all the clump and mess..with an odd smile fanning slowly across my face.....

"Our little diary" the cover read...written in scrawly handwriting and decorated with kiddie "pink" and "blue" colour with uneven and undefined shapes dotting the whole front in golden and silver glitter colour; i clearly remember bro buying those tube glitters(that were very new and expensive in the market at that time) with his saved money..and i was so amazed by all of it as a kid that i cried and bawled my way to using those colours much to the annoyance of my brother who happens to be elder to me-the reason behind all my wicked acompolishments as a kid (being the youngest one in the household helps):P.Anyway back to what we were talking about(sorry i have this nasty habit of deviating from the subject evrytime).Our grandpa had gifted the brown leather almanac to bro.Well without any special occasion.HE always used to gift us something that would help us enhance and pol"ish our literery skills;and bro had always been into the motive behind that small token that day.:).Yet again,fascinated by the beauty of little cushioned diary and jealous that it wasnt for me but for bro i threw up a drama once again.My demand-i should be given that alamanc.After almost an hour of unsuccesful attempts to pacify bro and me respectively the issue was finally decided by the grown-ups that it would be an "combined' diary owned both by me and bro in which we were to put our daily ancedotes and stuffs.So it was settled...atleast for me and grown-ups(bro wasnt happy at all..i still remember the grumpy face he sat with the whole day).Peace took its place again in geeta sadan,d-95/6,indira nagar,lucknow,u.p.india (the address of my place)

Even as a pesky little 6-year old' i was alwyas intrested in any sort of art.The idea of decorating the diarly,"our diary" excited me to no end,even though i was threatened into dire consequequences by brother if i dared try decoring his almanac.I paid no heed.!and one evening when he had happily gone to play cricket with the local kids in the neighbourhood..i sneaked into his room,pulled out the thing and his newest possesion of "glitter colours" and painted up the whole front in adition lovingly jot down those 3 letters of ownership "our little diary" onto the top of it.

What followed was a mini apocalypse at home.My geeky 12 year old brother found out his "almanac of intellect" now turned into something like my-first-little-diary ,the one which are gifted to kids on their birhdays by uncles and aunts they probably dont even recognise-all thanks to his puny 6 year old sister.Allegedly i was thrashed up,my hair pulled out and my barbie's hairstyle cut into a mix of mohawk and crewcut by my vindictive annoyed bro.He in turned was bite into several places of his body(he was hurting all over,until by night we discoverd the actual spots which had turned blue and black.i counted 15 of them =P), slapped by mom twice,scolded over by dad and was snubbed for the week.I was left off with a slight rebuff.I know you must be feeling very sorry for my bro and might be thinking what a witch(or bitch) of a thing i was but hold on..i might have been naughty and wicked but not at all emotionless and feeling-less.I felt very pathetic and ashamed.The following day i went to him and cried my heart appologised and even when he didnt budge i lied down on the floor(flat on my stomach i remember) and held his ankle and bawled out.He finally gave in.Happily we carried on the decoration work..this time i let him do it without any protests and started managing our diary happily "TOGETHER" form that day onwards.Over the years we contributed much to that beauty of a diary.Ancedotes..stickers..photographs..random cutouts...tazos(rember those round little things that used to come free with evry pack of lays and cheetos and held the pictures of famous toons of those times) etc untill we grew up and bro moved out for studies.Thats when our liitle diary retired into a corner of our house,only to be forgotten and to be pulled out like this years later.!

Am 19 now and accidently discovering this lovely little thing was delighting.It brought back all those bitter-sweet sugary memories of a time which is now so dreamlike;so distant,wonderful and innocent that its even hard to believe it ever existed.Its amazing how you come across those long lost and forgotten memoirs and memontoes of your past accidently and even more amazing is the fact that how they seem intacting all those beautiful memories afresh;that when you touch them,feel them you find yourslf back into the past as if you are re-living it.

The beauty of it all-simply unreal and exquisite..and how!!



thats bro my aunt and me.this picture as taken around the same time as this diary incident.i thougt you would be intrested in seeing the gawky siblings mentioned throughout the post here.:)

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